Eric Schmidt, who joined Google in 2001, officially resigned as CEO (chiefexecutive officer) in the giant internet company from Mountain, California.
Larry Page, co-founder of Google, Schmidt will replace the position as CEO.He was preparing himself to lead Google into a new era of mobile and cloudcomputing.
"When I joined Google in 2001, I never imagined, even in my wildestdreams, we will so far, even up to this point. All our business units-screen,Android, YouTube, and Chrome-the upper hand, "wrote Schmidt in the official Google blog, Friday, January 21, 2011.
Schmidt optimistic outlook is still very bright.
"Apparently, Google will continue to grow. And, to manage this company will be much more difficult. So Larry, Sergey, and I have long talked about howbest to simplify the company's management structure and during theholidays (last year) we decided that now is the right time to make somechanges, "he said.
Looking ahead, Larry is responsible in terms of product development andtechnology strategy. Meanwhile, Sergey will focus on strategic projects. Sowhere the departure of Schmidt?
Former CEO is expected to remain in Google's environment as ExecutiveChairman and spending time with the agreements, partnerships, customer relationships and broader business partners, and reach of government.
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