
Susu BerkalsiumHiromi Shinya MD, dalam bukunya, The Miracle of Enzyme, mengupas habis tentang susu. Kesimpulan ini diperolehnya dari pengamatan selama 40 tahun melakukan koloskopi sekitar 300.000 pasien dan membandingkan dengan pola makan pasien tersebut. Hampir bisa dipastikan, orang yang minum susu setiap hari, maka ususnya akan bermasalah. Buku ini diberikan kata sambutan oleh Menkes RI dan Dekan FK Unair.
Sebelum tahun 1960, penduduk Jepang tidak mengkonsumsi susu. Ternyata penduduk Jepang yang berusia lanjut tidak ada yang menderita osteoporosis. Sejak tahun 1960, di Jepang dipopulerkan mengkonsumsi susu olahan dan ternyata setelah itu dijumpai banyak sekali kasus osteoporosis.
 Mengapa hal ini dapat terjadi? 

9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook Google Plus


Can Google + (Plus Google) steals a user of Facebook? Yes. There are several good reasons to switch from Facebook to Google +, ranging from the easy to use data privacy. The question "Can Google + beat Facebook?". The real question may not be too precise. This is not about one site against another site. Google + bigger than that. The reason why Google calls "Google Project +" + is that Google will become a central part of Google's overall identity. It will reshape the company. So the more appropriate question is "Can Google beat Facebook?" If it is placed like that, the contest appears to be much more balanced. Of course Facebook has a great beginning, but there are some good reasons for people to seriously leave Facebook for Google +. There are at least nine reasons as cited kompasianer, Oscar, from PCWorld.1. Integration with Google services

Owned the largest portion of Google to attract people use Google + is integration. This means that Google will build Google + features and equipment to almost all its online services ranging from documents to video search. + Google already integrated into almost all Google products.

This allows you to monitor all events Google + (message, updates, etc.) when sharing content with friends without leaving the Google service you're using. Millions of people use the free Google services (Gmail, Documents, Search, etc..), And the attachment of these services with Google + might be easy for someone to leave Facebook.

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Google CEO resigns


"When I joined Google in 2001, I never imagined, even in my wildestdreams, we will so far, even up to this point. All our business units-screen,Android, YouTube, and Chrome-the upper hand, "wrote Schmidt in the official Google blog, Friday, January 21, 2011.

Schmidt optimistic outlook is still very bright.
"Apparently, Google will continue to grow. And, to manage this company will be much more difficult. So Larry, Sergey, and I have long talked about howbest to simplify the company's management structure and during theholidays (last year) we decided that now is the right time to make somechanges, "he said.

Looking ahead, Larry is responsible in terms of product development andtechnology strategy. Meanwhile, Sergey will focus on strategic projects. Sowhere the departure of Schmidt?

Former CEO is expected to remain in Google's environment as ExecutiveChairman and spending time with the agreements, partnerships, customer relationships and broader business partners, and reach of government.

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WikiLeaks: Blogger from Indonesia worked for the U.S. Interest


After a long awaited, finally released the WikiLeaks documents from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. Revealed that the bloggers in Indonesia used for U.S. interests.

This was revealed in a wire on February 12, 2010 ago from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, the U.S. foreign ministry officials named Jared Cohen.As reported by the Guardian on Wednesday (19/01/2011), wire it to revealU.S. strategy to take advantage of social media in Indonesia to U.S. interests.

It is called the Public Diplomacy Strategy 2.0. That is, the Internet is used as much as possible to spread U.S. influence and securing U.S. interests in the country of destination. They chose this strategy because of the growth of social media in Indonesia is very fast.

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Sony Ericsson Remain Open Heart To WP7


Since 2009, Sony Ericsson (SE) experienced hard times, until Android 'come in handy'. Their sales had risen dramatically since then.

SE gains in 2010 largely due to the contribution of the Android products. One of the products are quite successful in the market is Sony Ericsson XperiaX10.

Well, in the event the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in 2011 and then SEalso announced new Android phone called Xperia Arc.

It seems that SE is still focused on selling products using Android. Excerptedfrom the "know your mobile", (Wednesday, 19/01/2011), Head of MarketingSE Steven Walker also said his company would continue to focus on Androidthis year.

Even so, he also said that the SE remain open heart for Microsoft's platform,WP7. "We will continue to monitor and certainly open-minded to WP7," he explained.

Walker also describes the SE does not believe that the market will survive forone type of OS in a long time. Therefore, the company will choose the rightbrand to survive in the market.

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