Broken Xbox 360? - Get Ready to Play Your Games Again!

If your Xbox 360 has been bitten with the 3 Red Light Error like a lot of other gamers, you have two options. Send it to Microsoft for a Lengthy Repair or Fix it Yourself. If you send it back to MS, plan to pay around $150 for the repair and shipping costs and Wait up to 8 weeks before you ever see your console again! Or, if you are any sort of a handy person you can purchase a digital download repair guide with high quality HD video tutorials for less than $30 and have your Xbox 360 purring again in no time!

Fixing your Xbox 360 Yourself

Like many of you I looked everywhere for a solution or for guides to getting my Xbox 360 fixed at a relatively cheap price. I came across this site with a review of four of the best guides and all where just under $30 and they all came with money back Guarantee's.

Once you go through easy video demonstrations for fixing your 3 red light error, you will only need less than 2 hours to repair your console. Not only will you save weeks without you xbox console but you will save more than $100 fixing it yourself!

I had a friend, Samual who bought one of the repair guides which turned out to be great, he followed the step by step guide and his X box has all green lights again! He would rather do the fixing himself than to send his Xbox back to Microsoft, especially since his warranty was expired already. So I purchased the same guide Sam had used, although I'm not as handy as Sam, it took me a little longer to get mine fixed, but I did it myself and my Xbox is still working great after 4 and half weeks.

Bottom line, if you are the least bit handy, you can save yourself the hassle of dealing with an Xbox 360 Repair Center and Repair your own xbox, save some money and be being playing your favorite games again within hours.

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